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leakrfc provides a simpel api powered by FastAPI for clients to retrieve file metadata and blobs. It therefore acts as a proxy between client and archive, so that the client doesn't need to know where the actual blobs live. The api can handle authorization via JSON Web Tokens.


The API feature needs some extra packages that are not installed by default. Install leakrfc with api dependencies:

pip install leakrfc[api]

Start local api server

This is for a quick testing setup:

export LEAKRFC_URI=./data
uvicorn leakrfc.api:app


Never run the api with DEBUG=1 in a production application and make sure to have a proper setup with a load balancer (e.g. nginx) doing TLS termination in front of it. As well make sure to set a good LEAKRFC_API_SECRET_KEY environment variable for the token authorization.

Request a file

For public files:

# metadata only via headers
curl -I "http://localhost:5000/test_dataset/utf.txt"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 08:44:59 GMT
server: uvicorn
content-length: 4
content-type: application/json
x-leakrfc-version: 0.0.3
x-leakrfc-dataset: test_dataset
x-leakrfc-key: utf.txt
x-leakrfc-sha1: 5a6acf229ba576d9a40b09292595658bbb74ef56
x-leakrfc-name: utf.txt
x-leakrfc-size: 19
x-mimetype: text/plain
content-type: text/plain
# bytes stream of file
curl -s "http://localhost:5000/<dataset>/<path>" > /tmp/file.pdf

Authorization expects an encrypted bearer token with the dataset and key lookup in the subject (token payload: {"sub": "<dataset>/<key>"}). Therefore, clients need to be able to create such tokens (knowing the secret key configured via LEAKRFC_API_SECRET_KEY) and handle dataset permissions.

Tokens should have a short expiration (via exp property in payload).

# token in Authorization header
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' ...

# metadata only via headers
curl -I "http://localhost:5000/file"

# bytes stream of file
curl -s "http://localhost:5000/file" > /tmp/file.lrfc