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ftmq on pypi Python test and package pre-commit Coverage Status MIT License


This library provides methods to query and filter entities formatted as Follow The Money data, either from a json file/stream or using a statement-based store backend from nomenklatura.

It also provides a Query class that can be used in other libraries to work with SQL store queries or api queries.

ftmq is the base layer for's libraries and applications dealing with Follow The Money data.


Minimum Python version: 3.11

pip install ftmq


Command line

cat entities.ftm.json | ftmq -s Company --country=de --incorporationDate__gte=2023 -o s3://data/entities-filtered.ftm.json

Python Library

from ftmq import Query, smart_read_proxies

q = Query() \
    .where(dataset="ec_meetings", date__lte=2020) \
    .where(schema="Event") \
    .order_by("date", ascending=False)

for proxy in smart_read_proxies("s3://data/entitites.ftm.json"):
    if q.apply(proxy):
        yield proxy


This project is part of investigraph

In 2023, development of ftmq was supported by Media Tech Lab Bayern batch #3