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The store backends can be configured via environment vars and/or overridden during runtime initialization.

Initializing a configurable store

Initialize a store with the configured defaults from environment:

from anystore import get_store

store = get_store()

Initialize a store with override options:

from anystore import get_store

store = get_store(
    backend_config={"redis_prefix": "my-prefix"},

Environment vars

All the keyword arguments to get_store can be configured as default values via environment vars, using uppercase names and ANYSTORE_ prefix.

Nested config dicts (such as backend_config) can be configured via environment vars as well, using __ as a nesting separator:


Environment vars values will be casted based on their type (e.g. "0" for "False", "yes" for "True").


The actual backend is inferred from the uri scheme. If the uri is a relative path, the scheme will be file and therefore the store a local file storage backend.

Backend-specific settings can be passed through via backend_config or ANYSTORE_BACKEND_CONFIG__*

Setting init keyword env var Default
Base store uri uri ANYSTORE_URI ./anystore
Serialization mode serialization_mode ANYSTORE_SERIALIZATION_MODE auto
Error handling for non-existing keys raise_on_nonexist ANYSTORE_RAISE_ON_NONEXIST True
Key ttl for backends that support it (e.g. redis, sql) default_ttl ANYSTORE_DEFAULT_TTL 0

File-like backends

anystore is built on top of fsspec, and therefore any supported backend is configurable. For some backends, additional libraries need to be installed. Refer to their documentation.

The backend is inferred by the scheme of the uri.

Commonly used

ANYSTORE_URI=./local-data                          # relative local path
ANYSTORE_URI=file:///var/data                      # absolute local path
ANYSTORE_URI=s3://my_bucket                        # AWS or S3 like
ANYSTORE_URI=s3://my_bucket/prefix/foo             # Sub path in S3
ANYSTORE_URI=gcs://my_bucket                       # Google cloud storage
ANYSTORE_URI=s    # Connect via ssh
ANYSTORE_URI=             # Read-only via file listing

Backend specific config


uri / ANYSTORE_URI can be a full redis connection string, e.g.:


A key prefix for all stored data can be set via redis_prefix in backend_config or ANYSTORE_BACKEND_CONFIG__REDIS_PREFIX

debug mode (fakeredis)

For development purposes, fake redis via REDIS_DEBUG=1 in environment.

S3 like

Configure parameters via client_kwargs in backend_config, e.g.:

from anystore import get_store

store = get_store(uri="s3://mybucket/data", backend_config={"client_kwargs": {
    "aws_access_key_id": "my-key",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "***",
    "endpoint_url": "https://s3.local"

Or via environment vars:



uri / ANYSTORE_URI can be a full sql connection string:

# absolute
# relative to current wd

# postgres with credentials and ssl params

Configure parameters via sql in backend_config or env ANYSTORE_BACKEND_CONFIG__SQL__*

sql settings and their defaults

from anystore import get_store

store = get_store(uri="postgresql:///db", backend_config={"sql": {
    "table": "anystore",
    "pool_size": 5,
    "engine_kwargs": {}  # sqlalchemy kwargs